We live the territory and we help to enhance it.
We manage parks and museums in the Tuscan Archipelago.
We also coordinate services like the info point, visitor centers, and CarSharing.

We work with Il Genio del Bosco in the management of the tourist services and excursions in the Tuscan Archipelago, arranging the schedule of visits and openings to the public of the House of the Park and the Environmental Education Centers.

Since 2014 we manage the Gemological and Mineralogical museum Luigi Celleri of San Piero in Campo. We commissioned a communication agency in the creation of the brand MUM and the creation of the website, continuing the collaboration for the promotion and communication of the initiatives of the museum, both off-line and online (web and social channels).

Since 2014 we manage the tourist information points of the islands of the Archipelago.
Together with the tour operator Il Genio del Bosco we manage the information points in the Info Park Are@ of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago and all the activities connected to it.

Ci impegniamo nel rispetto dell’ambiente anche tramite la gestione del servizio di car sharing elettrico Share’ngo.
Per promuovere una mobilità sostenibile per i turisti e per i residenti dell’Isola d’Elba abbiamo creato uno Share’ngo Point a Portoferraio, oltre all’apertura di una pagina FB dedicata alla mobilità
consapevole sull’Isola d’Elba. https://www.facebook.com/muovitigreen/