We love the environment and we teach how to respect it.
We support teachers in elementary, middle and high schools with lectures and active experiences in our laboratories.
To pass from theory to practice, we organize excursions in all the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago with the students.
Our laboratories of marine biology, botany, geology and mineralogy are located in the Mineral Park of Rio Marina and at the MUM Luigi Celleri Mineralogical Museum in San Piero in Campo.
We also work with the Museo della Vecchia Officina museum of the Calamita Mine.

We organize an educational path to make the students understand and observe the environmental dynamics and the territory as well as to train them in the study of mineralogy.
The island of Elba, because of its richness in minerals, can be considered an open air museum. This will allow the students to collect samples that will be analyzed in our laboratory of Rio Marina where, with the support of didactic material, we explain the genesis of minerals and cycles of rocks to the kids.
The paths we propose vary according to the age of the children participating in this initiative, going from the most fun-creative activities to the scientific ones.

We propose to schools a day dedicated to the discovery of marine species found in the island of Elba’s waters. We use the support of a specialized marine biology laboratory and of our own equipment, with which we explain to children how systematic groups adapt to marine life.
We provide technical data sheets and also offer practical tests under a microscope to observe samples of algae and sediments collected from the sea.

We organize an educational path focused on the plants of the Maquis shrubland and one on its aromatic plants, giving children the opportunity to benefit from our laboratory of botany.
In the first program we start with a day out to the field to collect the samples that we will analyze in the laboratory, culminating with the creation of an herbarium.
We start the second program with a visit to the Orto Botanico dei Semplici Botanical Garden to introduce the aromatic plants and their essential oils. From there we move to the laboratory, where we will analyze the samples to try to understand the functionality of spontaneous medicinal plants.

We promote experiences that combine environmental education and hiking for elementary and middle schools.
On the island of Pianosa we stimulate the students’ environmental awareness with scientific animation and sport activities.
We organize summer cruises sponsored by the Tuscan institutions for the prevention of youth problems, like “Ragazzi Insieme” project of the Tuscany Region, carried out with the Associazione Mediterraneo Onlus and aimed at young people from 14 to 17 years of age.

We teach teenagers between 13 and 19 years everything you need to know about nature.
We organize holidays and cruises in the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, also in collaboration with LIFE SKILLS Italia.
During the educational excursions, children learn to share love for the environment in a playful and adventurous way.
Thanks to our experience and the availability of means and equipment we are able to offer customized summer camps for every need.